Leecifer invited me to be a part of the ICFSB2 show. which is a Japanese vinyl show that takes place at a toy store and company called super7 in japan town in San Francisco.
This was my second show of this year and my first japanese vinyl show ever. For people not familiar...Japanese ninyl toys as apposed to others are supposedly a bit softer, usually clear or tints of clear...and are normally pointy pr spiky toys that are most likely in the shape of some type of lizard or robot.
definatley not into it as much as the western vinyl but I can respect it and am honored to be invited to a show with artists like leecifer, drill1, brent nalasco, motorbot, bob congi and paul kaiju to name a few..
I ended up doing three pieces for this show.
and Leecifer was cool enough to invite me along the day before to come help open boxes and set up...I love doing that it's like a kid at christmas everytime...

the show was pretty cool...got to Meet Brian Flynn from Super7 and hang out with glenn and his wife afterwards, sold the blue LED lit zombie...probably let Super7 keep one of the ghosts and take the other home for my own collection.
there is a flickr set of the show here to see everyone's pieces.
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